Why You Should Consider Flexible Metal Hose
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It might be surprising to know just how many applications are worth considering the use of these versatile hose assemblies. Below are a few applications where it might be beneficial to use Flexible Metal Hose Assemblies.
When a metal hose fails, it usually develops small holes or cracks. Other hose types tend to develop larger cracks or come apart completely. If a sudden hose failure is potentially catastrophic, a metal hose may help minimize the effects of a failure by leaking product at a slower rate. Virtually any type of fitting can be attached to metal hose, while other hose types require special shanks and collars.
There are many different material types for hose assemblies available, including metal, rubber, composite, PTFE, and fabric. The decision of which hose material to select depends on the application for which the hose is being used, which is one of the S.T.A.M.P.E.D. guidelines that McGill Hose & Coupling closely follows.
Learn more about S.T.A.M.P.E.D. here.